Everything about your Weimapeake

The Weimapeake is a deliberate cross between the purebred Weimaraner and the purebred Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Bred to have the ‘die hard’ retriever instinct known only to the Chessie and the close working prey drive the Weimaraner is known for. This mix makes an excellent all year hunting companion. The webbed feet and heavier coat from the Chessie allow the Weimapeake to hunt waterfowl with ease. The Weim birdiness and the Chessie retrieval instinct make the Weimapeake an outstanding upland hunter with little training needed. Weimapeakes tend not to have the smelly, oily coat known to other retriever breeds. Our weimapeakes are very easy to train, are close working in the field and are excellent retrievers. They have great dispositions and are great family pets.
They may look like your typical Labrador Retriever at first, but the Weimapeake is a unique breed all its own.
This cross between a Chesapeake Bay Retriever and a Weimaraner has a natural retriever instinct and prey drive, but you can also expect that these attractive, large dogs will make great family pets who are loyal and protective of the humans they love.
Whether or not you hunt, the Weimapeake could be the ideal pet for your family, but to be absolutely sure that this designer dog breed will be the right fit, get the facts below.
Breed standards
Dog Breed Group: Mixed Breed Dogs
Average lifespan: 10-12 years
Average size: 60-90 lb
Coat appearance: short but thick
Coloration: grayish-brown to chocolate brown and black.
Hypoallergenic: No
Best Suited For: Singles, families with children and other pets, and those living in homes with yards
Temperament: Calm, protective, playful, loyal, intelligent, and loving
Comparable Breeds: Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Weimaraner
As a fairly new hybrid, not a lot is known about the Weimapeake. This breed is a mix of the Weimaraner and the Chesapeake Bay Retriever who are both recognised by the American Kennel Club. The Chessie is skilled at retrieving birds and its genetics can be traced back to 1807. It was recognized as a breed by the American Kennel Club in 1878 and sources claim that the breed descended from the English Otterhound and the curly-coated Retriever, but the Newfoundland breed is also its ancestor. The Weimaraner was recognized by the AKC much later, in 1943. This breed originated from Germany and was created in the early 19th century by the Weimar court. The Bloodhound is part of its ancestral make-up, and some sources believe that it is in fact, a direct descendant. The Weimapeake was originally created to try and get the best of both breeds. It was the intention to create an ideal hunting dog that possessed speed, agility, courage, and intelligence.
The American Kennel Club recognizes both parental breeds as a sporting breed, as they are known for their hunting skills both in the woods and in water. The Weimapeake inherits its webbed feet from both parent breeds which makes swimming and wading easy.
Sources say that the Weimapeake has been bred in mid-west America for decades, but the exact dates and whereabouts are unknown. Although the Weimapeake is not recognized by the American Kennel Club, it is recognized by both the International Designer Canine Registry and the Designer Breed Registry as a hybrid breed.
The Weimapeake requires proper socialization at an early age. The Weimapeake gets along with dogs and other household pets. The Weimapeake is friendly towards people of all ages if socialized properly. The calm, yet playful nature of the Weimapeake makes it an excellent family dog. The Weimapeake is often reserved with strangers and will protect its family if threatened.
As a hybrid breed, the Weimapeake could potentially inherit the diseases that its parents, the Weimaraner and Chesapeake Bay Retriever, are prone to. However, there is no way to predict an individual dog’s health, and he may never develop any of the common problems associated with his parents’ breeds.
Weimapeakes have the Weimaraner ear, which features a wide ear canal and a large opening, so it can become dirty quite easily. You should take extra care to ensure that water doesn’t become trapped within your dog’s ear canal when bathing or swimming, as that could result in infection.
The short hair of the Weimapeake makes it an easy keep. Periodically brush to remove dead hairs. Normal ear cleaning, nail clipping and bathing will help keep the Weimapeake in top condition.