Introducing Your New Dog To Your Old Dogs
The introduction of unfamiliar dogs to other dogs may be a perilous journey. This can be very stressful for the dogs and the owners. But to help alleviate this stress, we must understand why the introduction is difficult for our dogs .
Maybe you have heard of children fighting over the attention of their parents or a toddler developing sibling rivalry with the new baby on the way. Conflicts and competition between siblings is referred to as sibling rivalry. It can be very irritating to watch. If you’re a parent, seeing your kids fight with one another over small things can be very taxing. Did you know that this kind of competition can also happen between dogs? This normally happens when you bring home a new puppy. Your will notice your old dog becoming jealous over your new pet. Having that said, it is important to introduce properly the new dog to your resident dog or packs. How? Here’s how you can make the transition easier for you and your pets.
Maximizing the potential for a great relationship between your new dog and your current dog is a two-step process. It involves the actual introduction and then management of the new dog in your home. We’ll start with introductions and then give you guidelines for helping your dogs through the initial transition weeks of being together in your home.
Step1. Take Your Dog To A Park With The Other Dogs
Go for a walk and take your old dogs with you. Go to a nearby park where the other dogs are hanging out. Observe how your dogs gets along with the other packs. Take note and address any belligerent behaviors that your dogs are showing. If there are, it may not be the best time to present a new pet in the family. You may want to address first your old dogs’ aggressive behavior problems. If your dog is able to relate well with the other dogs, it shows that they are ready ready for the new addition to the family.
Step2. Prepare For The Arrival Of The New Dog.
Plan and prepare the things that your new pet will need like a bed, crate, food and chew toys. During the first weeks at home, you cannot expect your resident dogs to allotment what they have with the new dog.
Step3. Before Taking Home The New Pet
Before bringing home the new dog, make sure to visit the new dog at least once in a while. You can bring something with you like an old bedclothes from home. This will acquaint your new pet with the odors of his new life with you. Take the item back to your home and let your old dogs smell the blanket. This will give them an idea about the smell of the new dog.
Step4. Arrival Of The New Pet
Bond with your resident dogs before you pick up the new addition to the family. Embrace your dogs, feed them, and talk to them. When picking up your new pet, wear the same clothes that you wear when you bond with your old dogs. The new dog will smell the scent of your other dogs on your clothes. This will give him an idea of what is in store for him. If possible, have another person drive you home. Do not bring your old packs with you too. This will allow you to bond with your new pet.
Step5. Find A Neutral Location To Introduce Your Dogs
Dogs are territorial animals. Make sure that you introduce the dogs in a neutral location like a park or neighbor’s front yard so that the new dog will not look like an intruder. Each dog must be on leashes and if possible, must be handled by a separate person.
Step6. Observe The Dogs When Being Introduced
Briefly, let the dogs sniff each other. This is a normal dog greeting behavior. As they are exploring the new dog, introduce the dogs using a happy and friendly inflection. Do not allow them to sniff too long because it can escalate an aggressive behavior. Give positive remarks to your old dogs if they show good behavior.
Step7. Taking The Dogs Home
Once you examine them tolerating one another, you can take them home. Depending on the size of the dogs, you can take them in one car or separate cars. Make sure that you have other people accompanying you if you will drive them in one car.
After what seems like an eternity but is really only about three weeks, you’ll begin to notice some signs of harmony between the dog and the puppy. If you have done your part helping the dog and puppy develop their communication skills, this is the beginning of a fabulous friendship—or at least a peaceful co-existence. Not all dogs love each another, so don’t be disappointed if your dog doesn’t fall head over heels in love with the new dog in the house. There is enough love for both, and comfortable cohabitation is a fine accomplishment.